* @fileOverview Replaces the tokens in a literal-like string by the corresponding values.
* @module string/interpolateLiteral
* @function
* @example
* import { interpolateLiteral } from '@untemps/utils/string/interpolateLiteral'
* const value = 'A ${foo} with ${bar} "wings" and a lot of ${fun}'
* const tokens = {
* foo: 'bird',
* bar: 3,
* fun: 'dignity'
* }
* interpolateLiteral(value, tokens) // A bird with 3 "wings" and a lot of dignity
* @param {string} value - The literal-like string value to interpolate.
* @param {object<key, value>} [tokens={}] - An object of key/value pairs to replace the tokens.
* @returns {string} The interpolated string.
export const interpolateLiteral = (value, tokens) => {
const fn = new Function(...Object.keys(tokens), `return \`${value}\``)
return fn(...Object.values(tokens))